
강남역 앞바다에 파도가 넘실넘실

순수한 남자 2010. 9. 24. 13:24

강남역 앞바다에 파도가 넘실넘실
번호 201897  글쓴이 서프 (seop5)  조회 512  누리 62 (62-0, 1:10:0)  등록일 2010-9-24 10:02
대문 3

강남역 앞바다에 파도가 넘실넘실
(위키트리 / 에스테반 / 2010-09-23)

이틀 전 강남역 앞바다입니다.
지금봐도 멋집니다. 파도가 넘실넘실.

광화문 앞 물바다에 완전 잠기다
(Youtube / 미디어몽구 / 2010-09-21)

Chuseok holiday drenched with heavy rains

(Korea Herald / Yoonmi / 2010-09-21)

This year’s Chuseok holiday is being drenched with heavy rainfalls which caused flooding roads, houses and power outages in Seoul.

The Korea Meteorological Administration said Tuesday it has posted a heavy rain warning for Seoul. The western area near the Yellow Sea will experience scattered rain from Tuesday night to Thursday morning, the agency said.

The western Gangseo-gu in Seoul saw the precipitation reaching up to 222 millimeters per hour as of 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday, while the weather agency forecast 30-100 millimeters of rain in Seoul until Tuesday night.

Police said relentless rain cut off some blocks of 16 major roads in Seoul and about 100 households in the western Seoul area experienced power outages.  

Seoul's anti-disaster office said it has received many requests for help with water drainage systems after homes and buildings were flooded.

The precipitation in Gimpo, Gyeonggi Province, and Incheon is expected to reach 50-150 millimeters per hour, the KMA said.

People walk in a heavy rain fall under the Hannam Bridge in Seoul on Tuesday. (Yonhap)


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